Naahh... Point and Shoot cameras are already very small. And the zoom lenses
are quite good. Noone would wnat to change lenes on a small DSLR. The Ds is
already quite small. It's easy to choose a DSLR if that's what you want. Or
a very small mobile phone style digital camera - if that's what you want. I
don't believe a digital 110 would be very successful. After all the 110 is a
camera made for 110-film. And film cameras don't sell a lot anymore.
With CCD's it's possible to make cameras in many sizes. In fact - they are
already available.
People whi wnat small cameras don't want to fiddle with small exchangeable

But you can still have a lot of fun with your 110 :-)

Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Margus Mannik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 26. januar 2006 02:26
Emne: Hey, Pentax, listen...

I just got Pentax Auto110 set (alu suitcase) and had a little fun wit
it. Great little camera, isn't it?
Sure, there's no particular use for it, I wanted it just for my little
but growing Pentax-collection.
Suddenly I got an idea - wouldn't it be nice, if Pentax would introduce
Digital Auto110 ? :)

BR, Margus

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