Hey my street has gone higher res!  
Now I can see the buildings on my property.  Added a link on the test page.
The red roof is my house.


>While looking at John Coyle's images from Brisbane I thought it would be
>fun to see if I could find where they were taken.
>It only took a few minutes and from half way round the world I was able to
>spot almost exactly where John must have been standing when he took the
>photos.  Google Earth has nice high res images of Brisbane and John's
>bridge is quite distinctive.
>If you have not tried Google Earth you really should give it a try. 
>High speed access is likely a good idea.  It is amazing what you can see in
>many parts on the world.
>You can email locations to other Google Earth users but since attachments
>are not allowed on the list I made a little web page with a link.
>When you have Google Earth click on  "Google Earth bridge test"  on this page
>and I hope it will take you there.  For some reason on my system WinZip
>gets in the way some times but after clicking unzip the link works.
>I think it would be great if we could add a Google Earth link to some of
>our photos so others could see where they were taken.  Unfortunately the
>area around my location is quite low res.  
>Any one with suggestions of easy ways to add Google Earth .kmz link files
>to photos?
>Let me know if the link works for you.

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