Hi Len,

It is the fastest lens currently in production.  It is the fastest
lans that you can walk into a store and buy. The 0.95 Canon has long
since bit the dust as a production item, is quite rare, and, for all
intents an purposes, is non-existent for day-to-day photography.  So,
while you're correct in that was once the fastest lens one could buy,
it no longer is.  Plus the Noctilux produces far better images.

Len Paris wrote:

> The f/1.0 Noctilux is not the fastest, however.  Canon sold an
> f/0.95 that fit their rangefinder cameras years ago.

Shel Belinkoff
"Why should I use a meter?  What if the darn thing broke on me
when I was out making a photograph? Then what would I do?"
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