The matte/prism side should be near the pentamirror/pentaprism,
not the mirror.  It makes sense because that is a defined plane in the
camera.... the screen can be anything, so long as it's flat against that

That's what I said, didn't I?

Yes. I had just read all the posts regarding the subject and wasn't really answering your specifically... just general clarification.

So, you'd likely
not be able to change the thickness *too* much.  I'd bet it works out that
it'd have to be significantly thicker to screw it up too much.

Depends on definition of significance.  SMC has significant effect but is ~1/4 
wavelength thick....

I'd say SMC is on a whole other scale. The screen is thick enough to be a "bulk transmission media." The question is whether a screen that's 0.050" vs. 0.040" would make a noticable different in the resulting focal point. The fraction of that distance to the transmission path to the lens is pretty small. At least that'd be my engineering guess, but I know little of optics... :)

        Just as a note.  I'm pretty sure that when I first installed mine
I didn't quite have it in there right.  When I actually took a few test
shots at an oblique angle, the screen-focus was slightly different than
the picture taken.  I took the screen out, rotated 180 degrees (did NOT
flip it over.  It wasn't *that far out), and more carefully put it back
in.  Here's the result when focusing on the line between the 9 and 10
towards the middle of the chart.

I would think installation needs to be as perfect as the system allows to make 
it work properly.

It just seemed odd that I could screw it up. With the way the screen holder pivots in place, it seems like it should either be correct, or not. If not, the holder wouldn't close.



* Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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