On Fri, 3 Feb 2006, Paul Stenquist wrote:

Although it's not fast, the K28/3.5 is very good. Extremely sharp throughout the range. The Vivitar Series 1 28/1.9 is a real prize, although hard to find.

I was looking at that when I got the f/2 Vivitar. I found conflicting reviews on it... particularly distortion. I read that the Kiron-made f/2 was a sleeper. I guess it is... just disappointing wide open.

I've heard the [K|M]28/3.5 is sharper than the 2.8? I really wish the 50/1.4 could be fully utilized on the APS-sized sensor. Great lens, but just too long for lots of my shots.



* Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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