Thanks Fred

A couple of years ago, I had to have my mirror & screen in my LX replaced as 
the insulation around the mirror "liquidized - for 
want of a better word" . My understanding at the time, was that Pentax no 
longer carried screens and the replacement was a 

BTW - the last time I looked at their site, the cost was $69 US, about $120. 
cdn. so $100 US isn't that expensive relatively 
speaking.  Of course, with the amount of money I've spent on equipment during 
the last few years, my wife thinks spending $10. on 
film - especially now that I have a digital - is much too much. :-)

Also, there is nothing in my Pentax literature that suggests that I can change 
a screen myself. Is it the same process as when 
changing the screens in the LX?

Thanks again 

On Fri, 03 Feb 2006 13:37:18 -0500, Fred wrote:

>> Also there was a company that made screens for the LX, does anyone know
>> whether they still exist, and whether they have made  screens for the
>> *istD family?

>For the LX screens, you're probably thinking of the Beattie "Intenscreens"
>(as I think they were called) ( ).  [Pentax
>itself eventually produced three (I think it was) upgraded screens for the
>LX that are just as good as the Beattie screens, IMHO, and the Pentax
>tweezers were a whole lot better than the tweezers supplied by Beattie,
>too.]  However, it doesn't seem as if Beattie is making any screens for the
>Pentax DSLR's (or any DSLR's, I guess).

>There are now "Katz Eye" screens now available for the Pentax DSLR's (
> ), if you
>don't want to try grinding down a 35mm film body's screen for your DSLR
>(and if you don't mind the expense too much).


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