I never noticed the mike because my attention was drawn to the eyes of the
man wearing the hat.  Why convert from color to B&W?

Jim A.

> Reply-To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
> Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 12:45:00 US/Eastern
> To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
> Subject: One from the fund raiser.
> Resent-From: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
> Resent-Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 12:45:07 -0500
> Home sick today, so i'm playing in PS abit.
> Heres is one from Saturday night. Converted to B&W in PS Ver 6
> Nikon D2H, 35-70 f2.8, SB80dx flash  125 at F4
> http://photobucket.com/albums/v408/divad_b/?action=view&current=Chris_Bob-9938
> .jpg      
> The guy in the hat is deaf, plays by watching the others and was quite good,
> and the guy
> in the
> sunglasses works at the LCBO(liquor store) so he's a good guy to keep as a
> friend.<vbg>
> Comments welcome(i know i should have taken out the mike at the left.)
> Dave   

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