Thanks for the heads-up on the factory!  That's some news I can use.


-----Original Message-----

From:  Bob Shell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj:  Re: mirror/cat lenses
Date:  Tue Feb 7, 2006 7:20 am
Size:  1K

On Feb 6, 2006, at 6:41 PM, Fred wrote:

> Which VS1, Godfrey?  I have found the VS1 600/8 to be quite good,  
> but I was
> disappointed in the VS1 800/11 (two samples, too).

The 800 seems to have been somewhat of a dog.  I've known a number of  
people who bought them and none of them were satisfied with it.  The  
600 was a different animal, one of the better cat lenses ever made.

I did an article on cat lenses some time ago and for the article I  
shot with a lot of them, including the astonishingly expensive Zeiss  
Mirotars.  No surprises that the Mirotars were best in terms of  
sharpness and contrast, but somewhat surprisingly my 500/8 Rubinar  
came in next.  The Tamron 500/8 was among the top performers, too.

Now this isn't to say that you will get great results if you rush out  
and order a Rubinar from that Russian web site.  As with all things  
Russian, quality control on these is all over the place.  But it  
seems to have been tightened a lot in recent years.  Of course you  
can pick up the Rubinars for about $ 100 if you happen to be going to  
Lytkareno, just outside Moscow.  I ordered my 500/5.6 direct from the  
factory for under $ 100 and had a friend of mine who lives in Moscow  
pick it up and ship it to me.  The factory won't ship one-piece  
orders to individuals, unfortunately.


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