I think that if Aaron's comments about PDML members being rude and abusive
are true, then the words "more trouble than it is worth" is certainly
appropriate.  FWIW, I believe Aaron based on some posts I've seen on this
list at various times.  A lot of people shoot their mouths off and act in a
belligerent manner before knowing all the facts (and that sometimes
includes me as well).


> [Original Message]

> I stated in my original post, that I had lost the original message. 
> reading your copy of it, I find that I insinuated nothing at all. The
> "more trouble than it is worth" are hardly kind words for a business to
> in any context when their customers are involved. Additionally I find it
> to the extreme that a company whose business is producing and selling 
> products that allow people to engage in photography would have *any*
> in having a coherent policy and procedure regarding copyrights of
> photo.  Likely any inquiries and perceived negativity would have been 
> minimized if complete information was presented up front.
> Tom C.
> >From: Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
> >To: PDML <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
> >Subject: re: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
> >Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 16:47:35 -0800
> >
> >Rather than present an insinuation about Pentax Canada's business  
> >practices by posting interpretations of the note, here is the text of 
> >message sent to me on Saturday:
> >
> >Begin forwarded message:
> >
> >>From: Marco Veltri
> >>Date: February 3, 2006 6:20:40 AM PST
> >>Subject: RE: Pentax Wants Your Digital Pix
> >>
> >>
> >>  Hello,
> >>    Due to the negative response on the forums and all the questions  
> >>people
> >>kept asking about copyright the powers that be have decided that we 
> >>use
> >>other sources to find images. We received great images but due to the
> >>problems it has been decided that it is more trouble that it is  worth. 
> >>Thank
> >>you to all the people who sent in images. There were about 10  people
> >>sent in images and I will be contacting them individually with this  
> >>message.
> >>
> >>Again, thanks to all who sent in images.
> >>
> >
> >Marco was very responsive when I corresponded with him, I submitted a  
> >gallery of 20 images for him to select from and he wrote back to  thank
> >within an hour. It sounds like his project for the marketing  department 
> >foundered due to a perceived negativism expressed in  people's responses.
> >
> >I'd have cut it short as well.
> >
> >Godfrey
> >

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