> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cotty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 07 February 2006 23:59
> To: pentax list
> Subject: Re: Sad decline of PDML /WAS Re: GFM
> On 6/2/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED], discombobulated, unleashed:
> >Racist? Don't you mean Nationalist? Are all Brits the same race? I 
> >wasn't under that impression. I thought Britian had a fair number of 
> >Blacks and quite a few Indians.
> There's a few English as well. Just a few ;-)

There's a pub round the corner from me which I keep meaning to photograph.
The landlord is very "Oi for England", and has a huge chalk board on the
outside wall on which he writes gung ho nationalist sentiments among the
adverts for his beers. At the moment it says "What we need is an English
Day, not a British Day!". Next to it he's advertising a live reggae band,
and Fosters beer. Next door to him is an Indian restaurant. The pub is
called "The Old Friends". I suspect the landlord doesn't quite see the
incongruity of it all. 



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