Adam Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>If you want good starting points for QTR, I highly suggest joining the 
>Digital B&W group on Yahoo. Paul Roark is particularly knowledgable, and 
>Roy Harrington lurks on the list. Paul in fact is the designer of MIS's 
>dedicated B&W inksets and has profiles available for those inks and many 
>common papers.

Thanks for the tip. I may have a look there some time. I was a little
disappointed - well, a lot disappointed - in the default profiles for my
setup, considering I'm using one of the best known photo printers (Epson
2200) with OEM inks and a very popular standard paper (Epson Enhanced
Matte). The white balance was perfect but the levels curve wasn't even
close. Massive posterization in darker areas.
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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