In a message dated 2/9/2006 4:31:15 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
On 9 Feb 2006 at 14:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Of the 24 mainly digital responders, 14 said no, they had not changed the 
> they did exposure since switching to digital.
> HOWEVER -- this is where I am going to throw in my own conclusions :-) -- 
> many qualified their nos. 
> How? Lots had used handheld meters of one kind or another when they 
> film. Many mentioned they no longer used them, the in camera meter was 
> accurate. That they relied on it. Several mentioned matrix metering in 
> Another qualification was many mentioned being aware of being more cautious 
> about overexposure. Paying attention to settings to not to have blown 
> highlights and/or using exposure compensation (one or more mentioned 
referring to the 
> histogram).
> So, despite the fact that those 14 thought there had been no change, in 
> reading them over, I got the distinct impression they was more of a change 
> they may have realized. Not for everyone, of course, but for some. And 
maybe not 
> that big a change, but a change.

Thanks for putting this together Marnie, it's quite interesting. My take on 
excerpt above is that the in camera meters are now so much more revealing 
the fact that it's so easy to chimp a histogram of the scene exposure is easy 
to get right sans guess work. When I was travelling with my DSLR and 67 I 
tended to use my DSLR to meter the more difficult 67 shots as my 67 only has 
rudimentary spot meter even though I did also have my incident meter with me.


Rob Studdert

Yes, that was basically my conclusion too, Rob. Metering is easier with 
digital because a lot of the guess work is gone. 

OTOH, there is another way to look at it too. A lot of digital shooters shot 
a lot of film before going digital and already knew how to meter well. So they 
just transferred their skills over to digital. Although one responder said 
he'd never used film -- a first generation "never used film guy." That is bound 
to happen now.

And some film cameras, like you mentioned, did not have matrix metering, only 
spot metering or center weighted metering. So matrix metering was mentioned 
quite a few times because it does a better job for people.

But people can draw their own conclusions based on the data.

Marnie aka Doe 

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