keith_w wrote:

Bob Shell wrote:

Because they have provided information on Chinese users that the Chinese government has used to imprison people.


I don't know how much difference it makes, but please notice, it's "Yahoo China" that is suppling information the Chinese government asks for. More or less a "wholly owned subsidiary" of what WE know as Yahoo in North America.

Presumably Yahoo U.S.A. is not in the chain. We're talkng China here, not anyplace else.

That's as I see it. I welcome dissenting views...


Agreeing to such provisions is a requirement of the Chinese Government. If you don't agree, you don't get to set up your subsidiary.

I'm personally more annoyed at google over the issue. Yahoo never claimed to be a company with an explicit more stand on Freedom of Speech, Google did (Their claim has since been taken down).

Microsoft is also doing this, as part of their Chinese MSN operations.


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