OK, with that sort of use, I can see using the Z55 if you've got things working the way you want (it's pretty similar to a common paper workflow in the Digital B&W world, using EEM for proofing and Photo Rag for final prints). I still do recommend comparing ink costs, the Lexmark's are pricey compared to the other options in the 'ink costs more than the printer' range.

Definitely ask over on the Adobe Forums. They've likely got more people doing colour managed workflows with odd setups (like 98).


Lon Williamson wrote:

It's all in how you use it.  The Z55 is my everyday printer, and the
heads are filled with third party ink, cheap stuff in bottles.  I have
a set of saved curves for that printer using very cheap photopaper that
serves as a proofing machine for what output of the HP, which only has the photo carts in it, will look like on top grade HP paper. The Z55
surprised me more than once by producing nice looking prints despite
being used this way; I've run a LOT of ink through it and understand it
pretty well by now.

Used to work well, and will again, I'm sure, once I complete the Win98
setup and roll back to what I was doing in 2002.  We're off the original
question again; I guess I'll subscribe to the Adobe User To User forum
long enough to post the question there.  I wish I'd written down all my
settings back then.....

Thanks anyway, Adam.   -Lon

Adam Maas wrote:

I've used a Z55 a bit. It doesn't produce anything close to acceptable prints by my standards. And given the cost of Lexmark Ink, upgrading printers (With a full set of ink) is going to cost about the same as replacing the ink will, and get you significant increase in quality, archivability and lower ink costs. <snip>

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