Hi All,

It's been a long time since I've posted here... it's hard to keep up with
all the email traffic!

It's been a while since I've used my MX and today it's exhibiting a sticky
mirror problem.  I've read a lot about sticky mirrors on the LX, but has
anyone heard of it on an MX before?

I had the MX serviced three years ago by Pentax Service here in the UK.
Admittedly, since then I've hardly used the camera and it did spend most of
those three years in hot and humid conditions in the Far East.

Any recommendations on what I could do next?  Get it repaired+serviced?  Bu=
another used MX?  Buy a used MZ-S?  Buy a new FM3A [joke - don't flame me!]=

I really want to stay with Pentax because I have some lenses that I'm quite
reluctant to let go of: A24/2.8, M35/2, A50/1.4 and M85/2 [some people say
it's a dog, but I still love it - ok?].  I'm getting really desperate now
because this MX is my last Pentax - I've had two ME Supers pop their cogs
within the same three years!

Thanks in advance.

Francis Tang.

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