Your friend deserves commendation. Far too few people are willing to put conscience ahead of cash these days.


On Feb 11, 2006, at 10:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a friend who works for a computer consulting firm.

They were offered a job to write some software for handing China's telephone satellite system. (I think I have that right. Anyway, it was the telephone
system, and I think it involved a satellite).

The government wanted them to leave a back door in the software so they could spy on their citizens. I.E. If they made antigovernment statements they might
be arrested.

My friend wrestled with his conscience (it wasn't said why the Chinese
government wanted a backdoor, but he could deduce it).

He told his boss he couldn't do it and why. Big contract.

The consulting firm turned down the job. Well-aware aware someone else WOULD
do it.

But still...  I felt glad his boss supported him and showed backbone.

I don't think he'll mind I shared this, I've kept it general enough.

Marnie aka Doe

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