I suspect Boris may want AF for when he is using the lens for normal work.

I have things the wrong way around. My 100mm macro is the FA 100 2.8, and for a smaller, more portable, 100mm lens, I have the M 2.8.

It would be better if the M was AF, and vice-versa.


On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 13:46:17 -0000, Don Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Boris,

I've tested the Sigma 50/2.8 EX Macro with a Tokina Doubler and have posted a picture here:


Make of it what you will.

It's Rob Studdert's printable version of the USAF test chart and I personally don't know what to make of it either. The print starts off being lousy because my printer is crap. The chart is 146cm from the sensor plane and I used a flash.

This is not the way one usually employs these charts, but it may give you some useful information.


Boris Liberman wrote:
A Russian Penta Club member approached me asking to sell him my Tamron 90/2.5 lens. I agreed. Same reason - unfortunately the lens is manual focus. I am thinking of replacement. KEH has now very good variety of macro lenses at rather reasonable prices. Say, Sigma 50/2.8 EX macro goes for $144. Though this may appear rather heretic I am thinking of lowly SMCP FA 100/3.5 (with attachment, which I believe is just a close up filter). Why - because the darn thing is small. Anyone here who owns such a beast - how it performs between f/3.5 and f/5.6? I realize that SMCP FA 100/2.8 is better, probably far better, but it is big and most probably I will not use too often, because of its size.
 Any feedback will be appreciated.

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