Having tested one Sigma with the Tokina doubler I decided to test the 400/5.6 APO as well. I set up a tripod outside and took some pictures of twigs on trees and stalks protruding from the snow. I was looking for the usual aberrations and found them. Towards the edges of the image, when blown up to 200% in Photoshop, the fuzziness on one side is blueish and on the other pinkish. This reverses on the opposite side of the frame as expected. These fringes are also visible on out of focus stalks and twigs at the edges. The in-focus parts of the image show no chromatic aberration until blown up very big when the fuzziness is blueish on one side and pinkish on the other. But the image is so pixelized (pixellated? posterized?) at those magnifications that no one would look at them like that anyway. At normal viewing magnifications there are no disturbing chromatic artifacts except in very contrasty, completely out of focus objects, at the edges of the frame.

I'm satisfied. For a cheap, not highly rated telephoto, its not bad. Its no Questar but what can one expect for a few hundred dollars? They doubler seems to work with this lens. Contrast is not great but that can be fixed. I haven't sharpened the two images but did adjust the levels a bit to get the two images more or less the same.



The stalks were about 40 metres away and the small tree branches about 50.

I also tried using the shutter without mirror lockup and there seems to be no discernible difference in sharpness between those and exposures made with the normal arrangement (with the mirror clanking up just before the shutter opens.) Aperture was 5.6 and shutter speed was about 90s. In camera sharpening is off. No birds were obliging enough to pose. This setup needs a rifle sight it's hard to find things. And no feathered friend would wait long enough for me to find him, her, or it. Its warm now (-5.5C) and I was able to work without gloves.


Dr E D F Williams
See feature: The Cement Company from Hell
Updated: Added Print Gallery - 16 11 2005

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