On 15/2/06, Collin R Brendemuehl, discombobulated, unleashed:

>Got in the A*85/1.4 today.
>It's a user, but @ half the going rate I didn't mind that.  Did some 
>repair on it right
>away to get "A" position working.  Next is to order a new mount.  I 
>put an A50/1.7
>mount on it.  Now it thinks 1.7 is as wide as it goes.  Alas.  A new mount
>ring will be a good thing.  Some internal cleaning is in order as well.
>The crop in digital is nice.  Very similar to 100mm on a film body.
>Later this week, perhaps this weekend, I'll do a comparison between
>FA50/1.4, A*85.1.4, A100/2.8.  Not so much to compare quality
>as to compare usefulness.
>The size isn't too bad.  I expected a heavier lens.

Congrats Collin. That is the best lens in the world.


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