On 15/2/06, Mark Roberts, discombobulated, unleashed:

>Uh oh, sounds bad. Will we see in the next installation of the
>Greystones Dairy?

Well, I was kinda busy hurling pots and pans out from under a kitchen
cupboard trying to get to the stop-cock (mains water control), which I
did. Three nails through two pipes. Fortunately my plumber was in the
next village and popped around to repair the sections. Had it done in an
hour, floorboards back down in another hour, but not before
photographing the pipe runs. That's about the only pic I can post. Might
get an update on Saturday evening. We're up against it to clear out the
old rental house before Monday when we hand over the keys. Then it will
be slightly less hectic.

It's coming along, but boy do my muscles ache.

Work brings relief. Today I'm filming Nigel Mansell debuting his son
into Formula BMW (previously F3) by doing donuts in a car park.
Yesterday I was on an indoor ski slope shooting presenter links. Then
home putting up curtain poles. It's kinda bizarre.....


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