On Tue, 31 Jul 2001 12:46:56 +0200, Artur Ledąchowski wrote:

> | I have finally decided to take the next step and upload the entire KMP
> | data into a database (probably MySQL).  Initially I will be generating
> | the HTML pages "off-line" (probably using Perl) and then uploading them
> | to the web.  When all that works well, I will be tempted to put an SQL
> | interface to the various tables.
> I'm sorry to read this. This will surely slow down the loading process - a
> pain in the butt for modem users...

Not necessarily, Arthur. 

Boz, I'd recommend that you set this beast up as a database and scripts
that generate a static HTML site whenever you update the data, but not
to run the database for the normal traffic to the site, for exactly the
reason Arthur mentions.  Instead of a page or two that run CGI scripts
and access the database based on the URL, have a (set of) script(s)
that you run manually when you update the data. These scripts then
generate all of the pages in the site so that they don't have to "hit"
the DB when people are browsing the site.  It's not like the data gets
updated on a moment-to-moment basis ...


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