Gonz wrote:
> Are good pentax lenses this scarce?
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7588234932
> http://tinyurl.com/cqrge

Guess it depends on the buying community.  In a roundabout fashion, I
offered to sell mine on the PDML a couple of weeks ago for $1499 (the most
recent Buy It Now price I had seen on Ebay at the time).  No takers emerged
from the list.

Is it worth it?  As a straightforward tool for taking pictures, it may be
hard to justify.  The FA* lenses, however, appear to be passing into history
as legendary optics.  The latest Pentax roadmap does not show any upcoming
fast telephoto glass (maybe a 50-250 F4 if we're lucky).  So if you want
fast Pentax autofocus glass, "pre-owned" FA* lenses are the only option.
What ultimately separates the FA* 80-200 F2.8 from similar Nikon and Canon
lenses is the fact that the supply of Pentax lenses is now fixed forever
while Canon and Nikon are still making more of theirs.

I just wish Pentax would release a body truly worthy of putting behind the
limited lens set.  The MZ-S comes pretty close.  I really wish Pentax would
take the MZ-S shell and put a nice 8 Megapixel imager in it.


p.s. if you want real nonsense, you can buy still buy a new Leica 70-180
f/2.8 lens for your Leica R camera for only $6595 from B&H.

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