David Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Feb 18, 2006, at 1:37 AM, Mark Roberts wrote:
>> ...not that it's necessarily a *good* thing ;-)
>> But I'd appreciate it if any PDMLers from down under who have had
>> trouble accessing my web site or sending me email wouold give it  
>> another
>> try when they have time (and let me know how it works out). My hosting
>> service thinks it's all worked out now but you never know...
>Wow, it finally works for me now (and I'm not in Australia!).

The whole issue is that Australia and New Zealand have IP ranges
administered by APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Center). Thus,
they are lumped in with places like China and Korea, which, along with
other places in eastern Asia, are major sources of network abuse like
hacking, spamming, etc. The only time this is big a problem is when a
block of Oz/NZ IP addresses falls *within* a block of, say, Chinese

My hosting service blocks all SMTP traffic from most of APNIC except
Australia and New Zealand. Not just because of the annoyance of
spammers, but because for a small service that pays according to
bandwidth usage, this stuff costs the recipient real money. 

Anyway, I'm glad to have cleared it up.
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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