Hi Lasse.
Yes, I am the previous jeepgirl that you remember. Sandy, Sandra, Sam, Jeepgirl, BooBoo, Blubicon, any of the above or version there of is ok with me. I am mostly Sandy though. Sami is mine. She is such a precious bundle of joy. I don't see how I can think about her and hate anything at the same time. Your caption describes her perfectly. It is so very cold out today and she brought me her coat and cried because I said it was to cold to go out. In the end she won. We call the coat she was wearing a Serpa coat. I am not sure if that was the correct name for it or not. I bought it at a store in St. Louis called Children's place.

I have given up on being unsafe. I such a precious cargo to carry with me now. I tend to get crabby with unsafe drivers. :) Yes the horrid sailboat picture was mine. I have given up on filters for now. Maybe someday I will play with them but for now i want nature simply in it's best form. :)

Thank you for the comments.


From: "Lasse Karlsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
To: <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
Subject: Re: I Hate Valentines Day
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 19:44:57 +0200

From: "Sandra Hermann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: I Hate Valentines Day

Well I am a lady and ladies generally stop aging at a certain age. I don't know how we do it we just do. ;) I think maybe I might have found a new reason to like valentines day though. I posted a new picture.

Hi there, jeepgirl! (or Sandra, if you prefer).

I guess Sami is your own girl(?). Congratulations!
I immediately read the caption "Hello world! I'm here and I'm getting ready for you! :-)".

Great picture, which brings a smile to every viewer.
Btw. what do you call exactly that kind of coat?

Also, I looked at the other pictures. I like them because you are picking subjects that are simple and plain, yet in a way that not everyone does. (I still clearly recall one of your very first submissions to the PUG (God, I hope I don't get you mixed up with somebody else... :-) ) when you still had to go over to your mom's to get it scanned - a photo of a sailing(?) boat/ship, a murky undefined yellowish/brownish picture that didn't even look like a photo. (Maybe that's exactly why I remember it so well, along with a few other pictures that I also liked.) I thought you had a mind of your own and I liked the pictures I saw.) You were asking for comments, the only thing I'd like to say is - go out and shoot a lot more, just the way you like it yourself, without thinking about how "a good picture" is supposed to look like. Then tell us when you've uploaded them. If anything I could also encourage you to be daring, not always putting the subject in the center of the picture, look for depths into the picture.

Are you still making local roads unsafe and go shooting heads of snakes? :-)


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