On 2/14/06, John Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The (cycling) tour of California is coming to San Jose next week,
> so I thought I might take the opportunity to pop out and try my
> hand at photographing something moving a little slower than the
> racecars I usually shoot.
> I'd appreciate suggestions from anyone (?Frank?) used to this kind
> of subject as to what is a good shutter speed and focal length to use.
> I'll probably be at or near the finish line for one stage, then see
> if I can get close to the start of the next day's time trial stage.

I'm an absolute hack when it comes to photographing bike races.  I go
with lots of film, shoot off a bunch, and hope for the best.  Of
course, I try to do what the other guys have already told you in terms
of where to stand and what to focus on, but one thing I do like doing
is to stand as close to the track as possible, on the inside of a
corner (as Stan said) and pan with an ultra-wide or fisheye.  I've
gotten some pretty cool effects that way.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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