Hello Shel,

You can get right up to the glass if you want.  The shot I showed was
not against the glass.  One of the biggest problems you are going to
have is that the jellies are always moving.  You can't have too slow
of a shutter speed.  This is where digital would do way better than
film.  One is you get much better high speed quality (800+) and two is
being able to review the images to determine your slowest usable
shutter speed.  With film, you might need to do it in two rounds to
determine that.

This is a case, where there is no substitute for speed.  You need
reasonable shutter speeds and you need reasonable DOF.  The only way
to get that is with high sensitivity of the medium.  This is a realm
where digital would do better.  There are many different tanks, most
of them quite small, with many different jellies in them.  Most tanks
are not as well lit as the big one and most of the jellies look more
white/translucent so you are getting just a white on blue look to
them.  If it were not busy, you could probably stand back from the big
tank and take a wide shot that got many jellies in it without much
glare - the room is quite dark so you don't see any reflections.

Best regards,

Wednesday, February 22, 2006, 6:54:59 AM, you wrote:

SB> Hi Bruce,

SB> Well, I won't be taking any kids, and my schedule allows mid-week visits.
SB> I'd probably go on a Tuesday or Wednesday, and try to get in as close to
SB> opening time as possible.

SB> Not sure if I'll have replaced the digi by then, although I'd like to try
SB> it for this project.

SB> Your shot's quite nice ... imo, better than anything in the gallery I
SB> posted.  However, I'd like to get wider shots, showing more of the tank and
SB> work towards finding interesting patterns amongst the fish, rather than
SB> getting individual fish or small, closely packed, groups.  That  may
SB> require film as there's no Pentax digi lens that I have access to that
SB> would be wide enough for such shots.  A couple of people have offered to
SB> loan me a 15mm lens, and that, on a film body, would be the widest I could
SB> go, unless I grab a Zenitar at some point.

SB> I don't remember how close you can get to the glass.  Are you able to get
SB> right up against it?

SB> Shel

>> [Original Message]
>> From: Bruce Dayton 

>> Just got back from there on Saturday.  I can tell you two things not
>> to do.  1) Don't go with the kids - mine were constantly wanting to
>> move on.  2) Don't go when the aquarium is jam packed (like Saturday).
>> The crowds make it difficult to shoot.
>> So for me not really being prepared to shoot, here is probably the
>> best shot I managed.  I only had the DA 16-45/4 lens with me, so speed
>> was an issue.
>> Pentax *istD, DA 16-45/4, Handheld
>> ISO 1600, 1/60 sec @ f/4.0, 45mm
>> http://www.daytonphoto.com/PAW/bkd_2912.htm
>> You'll notice I was shooting ISO 1600 wide open and only getting 1/60
>> sec.  It is fairly dim and this particular tank is probably the best
>> lit.  So fast glass would be helpful.  Also the focal length range I
>> shot was between about 18mm and 45mm, so an 18, 24 and 50 would about
>> cover you.
>> -- 

>> Tuesday, February 21, 2006, 10:53:24 PM, you wrote:
>> I'm going to try to take some time off and head down to the Monterey Bay
>> Aquarium for some R n R.  Photographing the jellyfish exhibit has been on
>> my "to do" list for a while.  Has anyone photographed the exhibit - any
>> suggestions?
>> I found these pics, but boy, are they poor quality ....
>> http://www.mccullagh.org/theme/monterey-aquarium-jellyfish.html

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