I had mine done last year at Pentax USA in Colorado. How much longer they
will service is anyone's guess, but the clock is ticking. It will cost
USD$130 or thereabouts.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:33 PM
To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
Subject: Where to have an LX serviced?

I'd like to get my LX back in proper working
condition. It does fine most of the time, but if it
gets cold (such as being left in the car), the mirror
starts moving slow causing the winder to have a fit
when it can't advance the film when it thinks it can.
(see discussion from a couple weeks ago: "LX grouchy
when cold").

Who knows the LX inside and out and is good at making
them work as they should? I may be brave enough to
tear into an M or K series body, but I ain't sure I
wanna touch the LX what with the seals and all. 

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