On Feb 23, 2006, at 9:30 AM, Collin R Brendemuehl wrote:

Anyone using the 55/1.4 Mamiya on a Spotmatic or other s/m body?
How is the contrast and color cast of these lenses?
(I was thinking of picking up one for just such a test. *Might* be a good
portrait lens as well on the *istD.)

I have the 55/1.4 under the Voigtländer name. Mamiya made a number of their lenses in Rollei QBM mount, and those lenses were sold under the Rolleinar and Voigtländer names. That the lenses met Rollei quality standards (when lenses from other Japanese makers failed) should tell you something. Contrast: very good. Color cast: a little on the warm side.

In 35mm Mamiya did much better on the lenses than they did on the cameras!!


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