On Fri, Feb 24, 2006 at 11:26:48PM -0800, Bruce Dayton wrote:
> Hello Jens,
> One thing really surprises me - why would anyone ask for your advice
> concerning sports photography?  

You know, that's the question I was asking myself.

Then, when I saw the example photographs he posted, which supposedly
showed what was wrong with the behaviour of the D, all I saw was an
example of someone who didn't know how to use the camera appropriately.

But, as we see here quite often, it's the people who don't actually
do sports photography/digital photography with old lenses/whatever
who are the experts in the subject, and who know far more about it
than those of us who actually have a lot of relevant experience.

Oh, well. I guess if you want a camera that relieves you of the awful
responsibility of actually having to think about what you are doing
you should just buy whatever Ken Rockwell is recommending today.
But then who do you blame when your pictures still end up like crap?

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