I know this is off-topic for the Pentax list, unless you consider that fact that this particular WV photographer uses Pentax gear. ;) I just can't believe the mentality of my fellow West Virginians at times, and for this to come from the mouth of a fellow photographer, is simply amazing to me! I guess I'm posting on here, just to get a reality check. I think this promotes paranoia and an unhealthy working atmosphere for photographers and models in WV.

Do you people think I'm over-reacting?


No, Glen, I think the whole industrialized world is overreacting to the problems that (a) a few unfortunate people run into killers, thieves, pedophiles, etc., and (b) a few unfortunate people are victims of terrorists.

I noticed about 15 years ago that the state police had started routinely shutting down the interstate highway every time there was any accident at all. Previously this didn't happen -- the traffic would just all crowd over to one side. Now the traffic is blocked, and it backs up for miles. There was no announcement of a new policy. The media never questioned it. It was simply done, and people immediately accepted it as normal. Most people quickly forgot that things had ever been done differently. It is all part of the new safety/security mentality, just like your experience.

I continue to find it bizarre.


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