Beautiful shot. I love the rich tones. It radiates warmth.
On Feb 28, 2006, at 12:08 AM, Cesar wrote:

Yes, I am once again behind concerning the list - but you have made it easier in terms of long threads that are easily deleted :-)

Concerning Frank's query, I find that a lot of the photos I think of carry a lot of personal emotion which may not convey to other people.

But, and I have given it some thought, thinking about some of my more recent shots I would have to say that the one of a great aunt of mine - - is one that sticks out for me. I would have to really go back over some prints and slides to see others. Another that sticks out for me is a slide of a girlfriend who I took to the Mayan ruins of Copan, Honduras. It was her first travel internationally and she was in awe of all she saw around her. I reveled in sharing that part of my 'heritage' with her. Anyway, I have a shot of portrait of her as she just sat and took it all in. I even made a print and gave it to her parents. I should look for the slide and scan it and post it...

Thanks for making me think of my shots - many that people never even see.

Back in Panama City, Florida
after a week up north (NYC and Baltimore).

frank theriault wrote:

My Anti-Valentines day post the other day got me thinking (a rare
occurance to be sure).  There, I posted this photo:

which happens to be my favourite photo of mine.  It's a close race,
actually, because until I took that one a couple of years ago, this
one was my fave:

It's still a close call, but I think the first one is currently my favourite.

Now, given the general mediocrity of the thousands and thousand of
frames that I've taken over the years, picking a favourite, or a few
favourites may not be such a huge problem <g>.  How about you?  Do you
have a favourite among the many photos you've taken?  If so, can you
post it?

I think it might be interesting to see how personal favourites might
differ from what I perceive as the style of that photographer.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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