The big problem with 4/3 SLRs is that the format is so small that the
viewfinders are tiny and unusable. I prefer the 3:2 aspect ratio also,
but that's personal preference and is moot given enough resolution.

Now, if someone made a 4/3 rangefinder with a viewfinder up to Leica
or Cosina standards, that would be something.

(the Epson RD-1 is way too expensive)


On 2/28/06, Boris Liberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> Given the fact that 4/3 system has many adaptors, it will be rather
> possible to mount limited pentax glass on leica branded body with
> olympus mount.
> I say it is quite swell...
> --
> Boris

Juan Buhler
Water Molotov:
Slippery Slope:

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