On Wed, 1 Mar 2006, Tom C wrote:

Some of you seem to think this is the Pentax Lovers List vs. a discussion list.

I find it interesting.

Some of us have compained that Pentax did not have an upgrade offering to the *istD. That was met with claims that the *ist D does everything they want, 6.1MP gave images with all the quality they wanted, why would we want something more?

Now that a successor has been announced, many of those same people have already got in line to purchase one when it's released.

For me at least, I don't plan to throw any more money into Pentax. A lot of the photography I enjoy doing is night shots, including quite shortly astrophotography. Therefore a lower noise at higher ISO camera would be of great benefit.

Canon and Nikon are successful for a reason.

The pissing and moaning and whining as it's been labeled, is an expression of an opinion. It seems many here only want to hear one side of things.

Not to poke the bear here, but from what I know of astrophotography, NONE of the consumer cameras are adequate. Taking high-quality astro photos requires using CCD/CMOS requires either cryo-cooling, or multiple exposures, stacking, and aligning to remove the noise and rotation. Certainly the 0.5-1.0 stop difference in noise quality between brandX and brandY camera is small in comparison.

Film is still the way to do long exposures at night, even though you get screwed with reciprocity. CMOS/CCD's will have "hot-pixel" noise from long exposures, just like it'll have higher noise at higher ISO's.

If you're on the edge, have fun there. I don't care to quibble about small differences brandX does vs. brandY to minimize artifacts from using the wrong tool for the job.



* Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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