That's exactly what I meant -- "hard to find" and "not imported and warehoused 
by Pentax Canada" are not the same.  There's a lot of stuff in that warehouse 
if you can find a retailer to order it in for you.

And I don't blame the retailers; we were boned on special orders all the time.  
One place I worked had a basement full of FM2s that were ordered by a school 
board.  The person who ordered them went on maternity leave and the board 
decided not to pay.

Then they were deeply offended that we suspended their account.


-----Original Message-----

> I suspect that it is more an unwillingness of most retailers to bring in 
> high-ticket items without cash up front.

I had to put money on the table before they would order the 15. Can't say as 
how I blame them, it isn't exactly a stock item.

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