You mean all the kinds and sizes ever made? Wow! That would be some project. Old versions of Aaron Sussman's The Amature Photographers Handbook (from the 40's and 50's) had a lot of that kind of information in it, the later revisions (The 8th edition, 1973, is the only copy I have now) dropped it and had a lot of typos as well.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

John Celio wrote:
100 years ago there was rhyme and reason to their number system 1 = roll film, 20 = gage of film (higher number narrower film e.g. 110 was the widest 128 the narrowest).


Fascinating history lesson, thanks for taking the time to explain all that.

What I'd love to see is a web guide with all the various film formats listed, described, and illustrated. I see so many kinds of film come through my lab, it can get confusing.

John Celio


AIM: Neopifex

"Hey, I'm an artist. I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a statement."

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