You mean, like, Russell Crowe?

Gautam Sarup wrote:
Hah! Actors do equally strange things with musical instruments.

On 3/2/06, mike wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It's funny how fashions change.  I just visited the outlaws and, for my
sins, had to endure about 20 minutes of one of our worst ( is there a
good one?) television soaps.  Part of the "plot" involved the local
paper coming to take pictures.  The "photographer" had been issued with
the standard, prop department 35mm SLR with hotshoe, fixed head flash.
Looked like a Centon (the local chain's version of the K1000) or
something similar.

BUT..... the actor had been watching what _real_ press types do, so
after every shot he was chimping like a good'un, pretending to press
imaginary buttons on the back.

Almost made the visit worthwhile......



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