Yesterday Taylor arrived at Casa Belinkoff.  He's a 7 month old black male
cat who was rescued from an abandoned feral litter.  He readily took to his
new home, exploring the place and making himself comfortable.  I put
together a little gallery for a couple of friends, my sister, and my niece.
I'm posting it here because a month or two back we were discussing using
some programs for creating web galleries, one of which was Porta.  This
little gallery was made with Porta, and once the pics were sized and
processed, it took all of one second to create the gallery.

Porta is pretty easy to customize and modify.  This particular gallery has
been modified a bit, and I may decide to make a few more changes from the
standard gallery.

Anyway, here's Taylor - all pics made with an old Sony P&S and the built-in
flash.  Nothing particularly good, just a few fun, personal snaps.


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