There are no new DFA lenses. The high-end fast lenses that Pentax will release next year are all DA lenses without aperture rings. The only DFA lens is for the 645. No DFA lenses for 35mm or APS-C are on the horizon.
On Mar 7, 2006, at 6:52 AM, Pål Jensen wrote:

John wrote:

Nobody has been "leading you on", except perhaps a few people here who
still cling to the belief (or, IMO, delusion) that Pentax would decide
to re-introduce a mechanical aperture sensor, or go back to aperture
rings on lenses.


But the new D FA lenses have aperture rings. We do not know if Pentax will maintain mechanical couplings on high end bodies because such DSLR bodies haven't been released yet. The KAF3 mount give full backward compatibility. We will know when the new "D" is released. Remember that all the *ist's are entry level cameras in Pentax talk (see the latest interview where it is mentioned again) and therefore aren't full featured. Extensive compatibility may be a sales issue for an upper end body.


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