Pål Jensen wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Adam Maas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Unless the Pentax comes in at high-end 35mm-based DSLR prices, it's going to have issues because of the lack of interchangable backs.

Not at all. The only reason for digital backs to exist is that the price of the thing is so high that making a camera for it as well would make it incredibly expensive. Making a digital back for an old film camera doesn't make any sense except for keeping the prices down.


Well, except that they allow a professional shooter to buy a low-end back for general use and just rent one of the uber-expensive high-MP backs when needed, without having to worry about compatibility (Don't laugh, that's exactly what the MF Digital shooters I know do), and you only replace the back when upgrading, which is a nice cost savings when the bodies are running around the price of a serious 35mm-based DSLR alone. The prices are high because of silicon cost and because of low production. MF digital is never going to be a cheap thing, but the prices today come mostly from the fact they don't make a lot of backs.


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