On Mar 8, 2006, at 5:09 PM, Adam Maas wrote:

On the DL, my procedure for metering and using an "A*" lens:

- Set M mode
- Frame picture (make attempt at composition)
- Pick aperture (choose how much pudding around subject :-)
- Stop down with DOF preview and hold
- Adjust wheel to appropriate exposure (indicated by 0.0 in finder).
- (still holding DOF preview) Hit AE-L
- Relax (finally release DOF previe- start physical therapy on thumb)
- Trigger shutter (subject has left the area).

With an A series lens, you shouldn't have to do anything with the DoF preview lever to meter. Set M mode, set lens on "A", aim at target, use thumbwheel to set aperture, touch the AE-L button. It will now say "0.0" in the viewfinder, and the shutter speed was set to complement the aperture. Adjusting the shutter speed or aperture after this will read out the difference in the range EV +/-3 from the metered subject if you keep the camera on target. Complementary, retarget for another subject and you can see the difference in the exposure required by the meter.

Touching the DoF preview lever should blank out the metering readout ... the lens stops down and the meter, with an A lens set to "A", does not read out with the lens stopped down.

If this is not happening, I suspect that either lens or body have dirty contacts or a bad connection.


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