I like the composition; always liked diagonal waves curves, plus the
line that you get by "connecting" the birds complete this one for me.
It is a touch flat in my monitor but didn't bother me that much.

On 3/9/06, Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The poor little one legged guy standing in the water facing back at
> the group gave me a feeling of someone who is longing to be part of
> the group, but has to stay on the outside.
> Pentax *istD, A 70-210/4, handheld
> ISO 200, 1/180 sec @ f/16
> Converted from Raw using Capture One LE
> http://www.daytonphoto.com/PAW/bkd_2886.htm
> Comments welcome
> --
> Bruce

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