I too love the 28mm frame on the *istD. Mine is the venerable K 28/3.5. Not as fast or as handy as the FA version, but a superb lens, nevertheless. The 28mm field of view is indeed quite pleasing.
On Mar 12, 2006, at 10:43 PM, David Oswald wrote:

For ages I resisted getting an FA28mm lens. I told myself that I would rather have the 35mm f/2 for use with my *ist-DS. But I kept missing getting that 35mm lens every time they came in stock at B&H, and kept getting outbid on eBay auctions.

Add to that the fact that I already had a DA16-45, I was just having a hard time settling on the FA28. I never doubted that it would be a good lens, but just wasn't sure it would get enough use.

But then one day in a moment of diminished resistances, I bought one. This was about three months ago.

Since then, it has become my most-used lens, with the 16-45 and 50mm f/1.4 falling to a tied second place. It's just such a convenient focal length on a Pentax DSLR; a "natural normal" lens, I guess you could call it. Its small size, versatile field of view, adequate maximum aperture, and outstanding sharpness are all features that have combined to gang up on my other lenses, pushing them out of the lead.

I just thought I ought to mention how pleased I am with this often-ignored lens. It's not as fast as the FA35/2 and FA50/1.4. It's not as wide as the FA*24/2 and FA20/2.8. It's not as versatile as the DA16-45/4. But it is a little bit of all of the above, in just the right amount to make it a compelling choice for digital shooters.

Your mileage may vary. ;)


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