Markus Maurer wrote:
Hi Cotty
Which other words do photographers use all over the world to get such a nice
smile before shooting?
"appelsine" seems to be a good one too, Jens, do you use it?

Please post your best ones ;-)


Polish photography joke:

A photographer has to take the picture af a lady of a certain age who is from a well-to-do family. He asks her to say "Dzem" (pronounced, roughly, "Jem", meaning Jam) so as to make her look as if she is smiling.

She says "Confiture"

'Slikkepott' *    is an excellent word, when repeated continuously to an
ad-hoc tune, you get responses like this:


* it means 'spatula' - kitchen utensil - rubbery spade thing for
scraping the last bit of cake mixture out of the bowl. It's in daily use
here at the Greystones ranch.

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