I agree with Frank.  A few previous posts referenced "trite
technique".  I think that can freeze us (group pressure being
applied) from experimenting further.

For example, I used to think that pictures taken deliberately
"unsquare" (ie camera tilted noticably off plumb square) were
trite.  I still think most are.  But I've seen people use the
technique effectively, even though the hit rate might go down.

If you like the effect, Boris, keep experimenting.  Once in a while
you'll snag a really nifty one.  Please yourself.  I've tried this
kind of photo before and I think this beats anything I've done...
but then I ain't no danged good.


frank theriault wrote:

On 3/15/06, Boris Liberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I am starting to realize that most of my photography is very static.
Here I've tried to be slightly less static...


Your honest and brutal feedback is as usual sought after and appreciated.

I like it.  I must say, I usually exect "smooth" lines from these
sorts of time exposures.  At first the "jiggly" lines were a bit
off-putting, but the more I look the more I like.

Cool shot!!


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