Yeah it was awkward.  As I recall, you had to create one large file
on disk that became the FAT16 drive.  My neighbor had one of those
cards in his machine for his wife to use.  Kinda like installing
the freebie BeOs on a Wintel machine.

Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

On Mar 17, 2006, at 4:07 PM, Lon Williamson wrote:

Hell, in the mid 90s Apple had a hardware solution:  a 386 card,
if I remember correctly.  And someone at the same time had a software-
only solution.  This is back in the 68K processor days.

Yes, but two separate computers in a single box, each running on its own memory and processor, is a totally different thing from having a single hardware setup that can boot multiple OSes.

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