Adam Maas wrote on 21.03.06 2:15:

> I don't think it will be a huge issue as long as the USM lenses are
> full-on pro lenses for the first few years. The rate of obsolescence and
> upgrading with DSLR's is such that most of the current bodies will be
> out of use in 3-4 years. If I were Pentax, I'd bring out the f2.8 zooms
> first, then USM versions of the 18-55 and 50-200 (Along with normal
> versions of the kit zooms) when USM support appears in the replacements
> for the current low-end bodies. Fill in the rest of the line as needed,
> starting with updating the long primes to D-FA status.
Adam, for the first time I have to agree with you :-)

Balance is the ultimate good...

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