Your sideways sneering, implying that anyone looking to assess objective print quality is "only for pixel peepers", is insulting.

The coupling of DoF and FoV is different between the two formats. I didn't say that medium format film and the output from my DSLRs was identical. I said print quality was comparable at the sizes I print.

Judging how the aesthetic quality of the rendering differs is a qualitative and subjective assessment. You might prefer how your medium format cameras render the subject ... an entirely different thing from whether the print quality is comparable. I have no experience of the P645 ... but the medium format camera lenses I've owned and used also have excellent rendering qualities.


On Mar 23, 2006, at 4:49 AM, Gasha wrote:

If you start to compare medium format and DSLR, you have to think about lenses.

Image quality, file size, resolution... it is only for pixel-peepers.

Even at A4 print size you can see difference how out of focus areas are rendered. Medium format lenses draw image differently. And bokeh from P645 lenses is fantastic...

That's one of reasons, why i like medium format.


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