On 3/24/06, cbwaters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I'm back doing basketball tournaments again.  I have a pretty good
> relationship with the team of guys from Sports Illustrated who are here
> shooting the NCAA games.  Anybody have any burning questions they want
> answered about shooting basketball...or sports in general?
> One thing I finally asked them yesterday is how, with all those cameras they
> have (probably upwards of twenty-five), how they fire them.  They shoot in
> zones.  one button shoots a frame for all the cameras that are trained on
> say the near-side post.  Another button for the far-side left 3 point
> area...  and so on.  It must take some good amount of practice to visualize
> in 3d all your cameras, which zone that is and just when to trip the
> shutters to get a good shot from *that* one.
> Both games in Atlanta were pretty close last night.  We've got LSU Vs. Texas
> on Saturday.
> I was on TV a bunch last night.  With my job though, if' I'm on TV,
> something bad is happening so if you saw me, I was the guy who looked like
> he wasn't having fun.... right behind the clock dudes

Was that LSU/Duke game there last night?

I watched much of the last half.  Great game!!


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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