Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

>On Mar 24, 2006, at 11:21 AM, Sylwester Pietrzyk wrote:
>> Dario Bonazza wrote on 24.03.06 19:52:
>>> Of course, I'd love that. However, I'm trying to stay awaken.
>> No matter what, but after all these discussions here Pentax has no  
>> other
>> option - they must introduce USM driven lenses and KAF3 with "D2" ;-)
>> Otherwise there will be too much complaining on PDML :-P
>Unfortunately, nothing will ever stop the complaining on this list.  
>It's the sanctioned PDML entertainment.

HAR! Ain't it the truth? For years people have been whining about not
having USM. Now that it may be coming people are whining about the
(unavoidable) ramifications.

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