Wow, would love to see it.  Bob S.

On 3/26/06, Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yesterday I was able to experience something truly unusual in film.
> No, this is not "film vs digital" or anything stupid like that.
> There is an Asian film festival happening in San Jose this weekend.
> Yesterday, I was privileged to join the audience for a viewing of "A
> View from Topaz"  ... an amazing film, shot and edited by one of the
> people who lived in the internment camp in the Utah desert from April
> of 1943 to May of 1945, displaced from home in San Francisco. The
> film was shot *during his internment!*, an incredibly difficult thing
> to conceive of since the mere possession of a camera by an internee,
> at the time, was deemed illegal, a criminal act, etc. That this was
> regular 8mm color film work, itself rare and unusual to see in home
> movies of that era. The circumstances which enabled him to obtain his
> movie camera, photograph the circumstances of his internment, have
> the film processed and actually be able to see it *while still in the
> internment camp* are without doubt unique.
> The photographer passed away last year, having used the same small
> spring-wound 8mm movie camera to record his life from the early 1930s
> up to the 1980s. It was a glimpse into a very difficult time for
> Japanese Americans, and a special gift for those who appreciate what
> photography can help us see. It was an amazing experience, a true
> privilege to be able to participate in.
> Godfrey

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